Portfolio Composition

What is Trading Portfolio?
A portfolio is a collection of investments that may be comprised of similar or diverse asset classes. Typically, investment portfolios comprise major asset classes like stocks and bonds, but they may go beyond that to include assets such as cryptocurrencies, art, real estate, or even cash. Investors can manage their own portfolios or have money managers or other professionals manage them for them. Also, investors choose what to include in their portfolios depending on various factors such as risk appetite and investment preferences. It is important for investors to understand the right proportion of capital to allocate to various assets in their portfolios so as to achieve their desired level of risk profile as well as volatility and investment ambitions.
Types of Portfolios – Investment Portfolio Examples
Aggressive Portfolio
An aggressive portfolio is one that seeks high returns and is willing to accept high risks as well. An aggressive portfolio will typically experience high volatility. Some high risks investments include early-stage growth stocks and assets such as cryptocurrencies. Some early-stage growth stocks include technology companies that are expected to grow their bottom lines at an accelerated pace in the future. Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, have proven to be very volatile as well.
When it comes to aggressive portfolio allocation, it is important to have a solid risk management plan. This includes the extensive use of stop loss orders to protect against massive capital losses as well as take profit orders to book or lock in realised gains.
Defensive Portfolio
A defensive portfolio is one that seeks to preserve capital as much as possible. This is achieved by allocating capital predominantly to low-risk, low-return assets such as bonds, consumer staples, utility companies, and military stocks. Bonds of major governments and corporations are famously considered risk-free assets. Consumer staples include major retailers; utility companies provide basic needs such as water and electricity, whereas military companies are known to maintain lucrative long-term contracts with governments. Such assets usually perform admirably in both good and bad economic times.
Income Portfolio
An income portfolio is one that seeks to generate steady and consistent income for an investor. Such a portfolio seeks out investments that offer a predictable high yield. Some of the investments to be considered in such a portfolio include dividend stocks, REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts), saving accounts, MLPs (Master Limited Partnerships), and money market funds. The aim of an income portfolio is to generate enough income that investors can live off of. Most income portfolios are excellent in generating passive income, but investors also miss out on the potential benefits of compound interest over the long run. Nonetheless, an income portfolio can serve investors, such as retirees, very well.
Speculative Portfolio
A speculative portfolio is one that carries massive risk, but it can generate abnormal returns if it is successful. It is essentially a portfolio that gambles on an investment outcome. It is often advisable that investors should not allocate more than 10% of their portfolio capital to speculative activities. Speculative opportunities can occur in almost any asset class.
For instance, in recent years, there have been speculative short squeeze opportunities in stocks such as GameStop and AMC Entertainment. There have also been speculative crypto opportunities in cryptocurrencies such as Dogecoin. In markets such as Real Estate, speculative opportunities can occur when there are distressed sales of properties by underlying owners.
Another common speculation is angel investing. Speculative portfolios are not interested in the underlying fundamental values of assets but in their potential price changes. While there is potential for abnormal returns, investors must always be careful with a speculative portfolio and only utilise capital that they are able and willing to lose completely.
Hybrid Portfolio
A hybrid portfolio seeks to be exposed to the risks and rewards of different asset classes and types. A hybrid portfolio will have specific percentages of capital allocated to different assets such as bonds, stocks, commodities, indices, ETFs, cryptocurrencies, and more. It essentially aims to achieve diversification across different types of financial opportunities. With a hybrid portfolio, investors are able to achieve the level of risk/reward proposition that they desire. A hybrid portfolio provides a great deal of flexibility and can be structured to achieve the level of stability and volatility one desires. For instance, a moderately conservative investor may decide to have a portfolio made up of 60% stocks and 40% bonds.
Building the Perfect Portfolio
There is no such thing as a perfect portfolio or a “one size fits all” investment plan. Investing is a practical activity that is quantified by returns. Every investor has his/her own level of acceptable risk and reward. As such, it is important to define your ideal asset portfolio allocation depending on your risk appetite, investing goals, and time horizon.
An aggressive investor will naturally allocate more capital to high-risk, high-reward investments, whereas a risk-averse investor must consider low-risk, low-reward assets. An investor with a short time horizon, such as a retiree, should consider just low-risk investments, whereas a 25-year-old with a longer time horizon may consider high-risk investments that have the possibility of paying up further down the road.
The prevailing market conditions may also determine the type of asset allocation an investor may go for. For instance, during periods of uncertainty or recession, going for assets such as defensive stocks and bonds is a wise decision; whereas in times of economic boom, assets such as growth stocks provide great value at decent risk propositions.
Final Word
Portfolio composition and asset allocation are important skills for investors. By prudently allocating capital the right way, investors can build a portfolio in a manner that suits their risk appetite and match their overall investing goals.
Open a Demo account to practice what you’ve learned or a Real account to start trading today!
- What is a portfolio?
The portfolio definition is a collection of financial investments.
- What is an ideal portfolio composition?
Ideal portfolio composition is one that is consistent with your risk appetite and matches your time horizon and investing goals. There is no perfect portfolio composition for all investors.
** Disclaimer – While due research has been undertaken to compile the above content, it remains an informational and educational piece only. None of the content provided constitutes any form of investment advice.